Introduction to using our website


This site is designed to provide a wide range of easy to use functionality.  Many innovative features are included specifically for handling and presenting natural history data. These features are available to logged on users, as is the facility to upload pictures to the website e.g. to support records and for use within your pages.

My stuff

The 'My stuff' page provides links to your records, habitat assessments, pictures and pages, so that you can view and edit these. If you are an administrator you can also see and manage your users.

Your preferences enable you to choose preferences such as 'Check as I type' when finding species, and enable you to automatically logon, change password, email etc.

Page Types and Locking

Logged-on Members of the British Arachnological Society and Spider Recording Scheme can add or edit some, but not all, pages. When creating and editing pages you have several options to define page type and page locks.  These are explained below.

Page Locks Page locks can be applied to restrict access to a particular page and work with respect to the originator or editor of that page:

* None - no locks are applied and page behaves normally * Read only - page is edit locked and can only be edited by originator * Private - page is view locked and can only be seen by editor or originator

Note that where no locks are applied, any registered and logged on user can potentially edit the page.  Edit/view scope is further limited by the 'page type' explained below.

Page Types

The following page types are available to logged on users:

* Normal - normal public pages * Restricted - pages viewable to logged on users only

Markup' is a simple way to create web page content.  Starting with plain text, you can add styles like bold or italic and create full featured pages with pictures and links to other pages.

Mark up basic rules

Any text you type in the edit window and save will show on your page.

Leave a blank line (like that above) to start a new paragraph.  Line breaks are ignored and all text within a block is treated as a paragraph.

You can add style and features to your page using markups.  All markups are denoted by square brackets [ ] with a special character immediately inside these.  For example show in italics will show as show in italics.  Some 'special' markups use double square brackets .

Markup works between start and end points - so remember to close the brackets or the markup will continue to the end of your document!

Markup Reference

Adding and using pictures

Please refer to the Picture Upload Guidelines.

Please note that pictures must have a unique title, so if there is already a picture with the same title on the website, you will have to give your picture another title.

If you want your pictures of species to be included in species accounts, then the image Subject must be the binomial taxon name. Pictures of site locations will also be automatically included in site accounts where these exist, if the image Subject matches the site location name.

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