Summary for Haplodrassus dalmatensis (Araneae)

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Identification difficulty rating: 3
Name: Haplodrassus dalmatensis
Authority: (L.Koch, 1866)
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Gnaphosidae
BAP status: UKBAP
National Rarity status: NS
IUCN status: LC
Watching Brief: Amber

Records: 247
First Record: 1944
Latest Record: 2021

1992-on hectads: 23
Pre-1992 hectads: 31
Total hectads: 39

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About this species

Recorded altitude range
0m to 160m

Species text

The species is almost confined to southern heathlands and east coast dunes. It has also been found in Anglesey, and there are old records from Staffordshire (doubtful?) and Norfolk. It is widespread in western and central Europe as far north as Sweden, but is not recorded from Ireland.

Habitat and ecology
The spider occurs mainly on dry heathland at ground level among heather and under stones, but also sometimes on stable sand dunes or shingle on the coast. It appears on burnt heathland during the first year after fire, but reaches maximum densities between about 6 to 12 years after fire, then declines. Adult males are found between March and July, with a peak of activity in May and June, females from April to late August, with a peak of activity in June.

UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species. Although found to be widespread on heathland in Dorset, Hampshire, West Sussex and Surrey between 1965 and 1977, the species appears to have suffered a major decline, with nearly all modern records being coastal. There is a need for re-survey of southern heathland sites.

Threats include the loss of heathland to agriculture, afforestation and development and possibly public pressure on a few of its coastal sites.

Management and conservation
The spider is able to survive in all ages of heather except possibly in very old heather. Ensure regular management of heathland by grazing, rotational cutting or burning, to provide a range of different ages of heather.

Text based on Dawson, I.K., Harvey, P.R., Merrett, P. & Russell-Smith, A.R. (in prep.).  References

Adult Season

Adult Season Data (based on 103 records with adult season information)


background methodology

Broad Habitat Data (based on 120 records with habitat information)

no subhabitat data available

Structural Habitat Data (based on 86 records with structural habitat information)

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 86 records with habitat detail and method information)

Recorded management for locations with Haplodrassus dalmatensis

Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Haplodrassus dalmatensis


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