Summary for Holocnemus pluchei (Araneae)
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Identification difficulty rating: 4
Name: Holocnemus pluchei
Authority: (Scopoli, 1763)
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Pholcidae
IUCN status: NA
Records: 15
First Record: 2004
Latest Record: 2024
1992-on hectads: 7
Pre-1992 hectads: 0
Total hectads: 7
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About this species
Recorded altitude range
Species text
DistributionHolocnemus pluchei is a Mediterranean species which has been introduced to buildings in Britain on at least seven occasions. It was first found in Lutterworth, Leicestershire (2004). Since then it has been recorded in similar sites in Warwickshire (2006), Yorkshire (2017), Gloucestershire (2017), Cornwall (2019) and Middlesex (2020). In continental Europe it has been found throughout except in Scandinavia.
Habitat and ecology
In Britain it is confined to buildings and glasshouses. In continental Europe it is found in caves, buildings and dark places generally but is also frequent under stones in maquis, garrigue and other dry Mediterranean habitats.
None assigned.
Adult Season
Adult Season Data (based on 11 records with adult season information)
background methodologyBroad Habitat Data (based on 5 records with habitat information)
no subhabitat data available
no structural habitat data available
Habitat Detail and Method (based on 6 records with habitat detail and method information)
Recorded management for locations with Holocnemus pluchei
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Holocnemus pluchei
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