Using the Locate Page


  • Click the 'Back' button in your browser to return to previous page.
  • If the map doesn't display completely click the 'Refresh' button in your browser, or, if logged on click your 'view/cancel' toolbar button.
  • You need a good broadband Internet connection for this to work well.  If map loading is slow you may not have sufficient bandwidth.
  • Zoom in or out using the + and - buttons on top left of map.
  • Click point marker for details of location.
  • You can scroll by dragging the map with your left mouse button down.
  • Click buttons on top left to choose between normal map, aerial photography and 'hybrid' or a combination of both.


Enter any search criteria in the box below map and click Locate.  You can search using grid-references, postcodes (only the front part of this will work currently giving centroid of postcode district), roads, towns place names etc.  It may be helpful to construct a search as "road, town" or "road, town, county".  If you are having problems with a location being found outside the UK add a , UK to the end of your search.

Grid-references are located by their origin or lower left corner of the grid square.  The grid-square is shown in highlight so you can see the area defined by the reference at its given accuracy.  Note that these are not necessarily 'squares' on the maps as projected.

If the location can't be found then the caption at the top of map will show 'Location not found'.

Using locate in Markup

You can add locations in markup (in blog posts and web pages on this site) using:

[[locate:position|A Location]]

For example: [[locate:ST491169|A Location]] will render as A Location

Your 'position' can be a Grid-reference from 100km to 1m precision (ST to ST1234512345), or a latitude and longitute as lat, lon in decimal degrees WGS84.

Go to Locate.