Summary for Salticus scenicus (Araneae)

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Salticus scenicus Copyright: Paul Richards
Identification difficulty rating: 2
Name: Salticus scenicus
Authority: (Clerck, 1757)
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Salticidae
IUCN status: LC

Records: 5079
First Record: 1820
Latest Record: 2024

1992-on hectads: 833
Pre-1992 hectads: 426
Total hectads: 988

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About this species

Recorded altitude range
0m to 500m

Species text

The species is widespread in the southern half of Britain, becoming more scattered in the north. It is widespread in western and central Europe.

Habitat and ecology
This is an easily recognised spider found on sunny walls and fences in rural and built-up areas but also indoors usually near a window. It is also found in more natural open habitats, on rocks, shingle and occasionally tree trunks such as oak in open situations. The spider has been found in pine woodland, swept from heather and sometimes occurs at higher elevations. Totally melanin forms have been described from industrially polluted areas (Mackie 1964). As with all Salticidae the spider has good vision and the enlarged chelicerae in the males, easily seen by the females, play a role during courtship. Males are found mainly in May and June, females between May and July, but adults have occasionally been recorded into the autumn and even winter.

Common in southern Britain but becoming scarce in Scotland.

Text based on Harvey, P.R., Nellist, D.R. & Telfer, M.G. (eds) 2002. Provisional atlas of British spiders (Arachnida, Araneae), Volumes 1 & 2. Huntingdon: Biological Records Centre.  References

Adult Season

Adult Season Data (based on 1403 records with adult season information)


background methodology

Broad Habitat Data (based on 1576 records with habitat information)

Broad subhabitat Data (based on 99 records with subhabitat information)

Structural Habitat Data (based on 444 records with structural habitat information)

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 828 records with habitat detail and method information)

Recorded management for locations with Salticus scenicus

Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Salticus scenicus


Salticus scenicus inquisitive 2023-04-15
Salticus scenicus inquisitive 2023-04-15
Salticus scenicus on brick wall 2019-06-01
Salticus scenicus on brick wall 2019-06-01
Salticus scenicus DJS02
Salticus scenicus DJS02
Salticus scenicus - DJS01
Salticus scenicus - DJS01
Salticus Scenicus Zebra
Salticus Scenicus Zebra
Salticus scenicus - Horsham
Salticus scenicus - Horsham
Attacking own reflection
Attacking own reflection
Zebra jumping spider
Zebra jumping spider
Juvenile Salticus scenicus
Juvenile Salticus scenicus
Salticus scenicus (male)
Salticus scenicus (male)
Salticus scenicus 02 03 16
Salticus scenicus 02 03 16
S. scenicus male
S. scenicus male
S. scenicus female 2
S. scenicus female 2
S. scenicus female
S. scenicus female
Male Zebra spider
Male Zebra spider
Female Salticus scenicus youngling
Female Salticus scenicus youngling
Zebra jumping spider.
Zebra jumping spider.
Female Salticus scenicus
Female Salticus scenicus
Salticus scenicus stalking mating Flies
Salticus scenicus stalking mating Flies
Salticus scenicus carrying Damselfly Exuviae
Salticus scenicus carrying Damselfly Exuviae
Salticus scenicus on leaf
Salticus scenicus on leaf
Salticus scenicus
Salticus scenicus
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