
The recording scheme depends on the recorders who submit records of arachnids, and we are very grateful to everyone who helps improve our knowledge on the distribution and ecology of the British species by providing us with these data. The following people are all listed as recorders. This list contains names with no standardized format or order of first and second names or initials etc, resulting in duplication with the same name in different forms. No attempt has been taken here to rationalise this duplication.

   ,  1  ?  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z    show all

G and V Wallace
G C Bartindale
G Lyons;A Stewart;M Edwards;P Hodge;T Davis;C Bentley
G Lyons;B Rogers;B Larcombe;M Edwards;J Willmott
G Lyons;C Bentley;J Orchard;M Blencowe;R Mitchell
G Lyons;D Green;S Cullen;P Green;V Benstead-Hume
G Lyons;J Orchard;M Edwards;C Bentley;P Hodge
G Lyons;J Power;J Orchard;M Edwards;P Hodge;C Bentley
G Lyons;K Lugg;K Clements;N Clements;S Gregory
G Lyons;L Jackson;R Bicker;A Phillips;E Jones
G, Grieco
G. B. Corbet
G. Calow
G. Corbet
G. H. Green
G. H. Green & J. W. Meiklejohn
G. Hitchcock
G.H. Locket
G.O. Evans
Gabbutt, P.D. and Merrett, P.
Gadd, Mr
Gadsby, Amanda
Gaffney, K.M.A.
Gage, Philip
Gail Ashton
Galbraith, H. and Murray, S.
Galbraith, Rebecca
Gale, Lee
Gale, Richard
Gallant, Mark
Gallimore, Mr & Mrs
Gallon (parents)
Gallon, A.
Gallon, A. C.
Gallon, Anthony
Gallon, Dr A.C.
Gallon, Mr R.C.
Gallon, R.
Gallon, R. & Andrew, S.
Gallon, R. & Bevan, J.
Gallon, R. & Howe, M.
Gallon, R. & Lehane, M.
Gallon, R. & McGill, J.
Gallon, R. Data
Gallon, R., Howe, M. & May, R.
Gallon, R., Lyons, G. & Berry, Tylan
Gallon, R.. Howe, M. & Daffyd, R.
Gallon, R.C.
Gallon, Richard
Galloway, Diane
Galloway, Katie
Gamble, David
Gamble, Gavin
Gamble, I.B.
Gamble, P.H.
Game, Jeff
Gander, Kathryn
Gant, J.
Gardiner, A
Gardiner, Adrian
Gardiner, Shane
Gardiner, Tim
Gardner, Debbie
Gardner, K.A.
Gardner, Liz
Gardner, Mr.& Mrs R.W.
Gardner, Ross
Gareth Evans
Gareth McKnight
Garfield, David
Garland, Steve
Garner, Alan
Garner, Jude
Garner, P.
Garner, P.G.
Garner, R.
Garnham, Matthew
Garnham, Nicola
Garrad, L.S.
Garrad. L.
Garret Maguire
Garrod, Robert
Garry Nobbs
Garside, A.
Garside, Stephen
Garth Foster
Garton, Jason
Gartside, Geoff
Gartside, Mr G.
Gary A. Farmer
Gary Farmer & John Meiklejohn & Patrick Taylor
Gary Hedges
Gary Lowe
Gary Mortimer
Gary Rogers
Gary Williamson
Gaskell, M.
Gaskell, S.
Gaskin, Louise
Gaster, Christian
Gaten, Ted
Gates, Gemma
Gates, L.
Gates, Michael
Gates, Mr L.F.
Gattie, David
Gaughan, S.
Gauld, Sydney
Gaunt, E.
Gaunt, Mr W.E.
Gaunt, R.
Gaunt, Roger
Gaunt, William Edward
Gaunt, William, Eddie
Gauntlett, Gary
Gavanghan, Mr
Gavanghan, Mr.
Gavin Bell
Gavin Deane
Gaynor, A.
Ge Lyons;M Prince;N Sanderson;T Davis;N Bacciu
Geddes, C.
Geddes, Clare
Geddes, Mrs C.
Geddes, Roberts and Stewart
Gedge, Dusty
Gee, Howard
Gee, J.H.R.
Geldenhuys, Lienelle
Gemmell, Michelle
Gemmell, Ross
Gemmell, Sam
Gentry, Katie
Geoff Hancock
Geoff Heathcote
Geoff Naylor
Geoff Naylor;John Read;Stephen Hewitt
Geoff Naylor;Stephen Hewitt
Geoff Oliver
Geoff Oxford
Geoff Saunders
Geoff Simpson
Geoffery Nobes
George Luff
George, Anthony
George, Billy
George, Dr.
George, Jane
George, M.W.
George, Martin
George, Mr M.W.
George, R.S.
George, Sally
George, Will
Gerrard, P.C.
Geyer, T.A.
Geyman, Matthew
Gibbins, Andy
Gibbons, E.J.
Gibbons, Mike
Gibbs, D.
Gibbs, Mr D.
Gibbs, R.G.
Gibson, A.
Gibson, Chris
Gibson, Dr Chris
Gibson, G.
Gibson, J.A.
Gibson, Miss
Gibson, Seth
Gibson, Seth J.D.
Gibson, Stephen
Giggal, Dennis
Giggleswick School
Gilbert, C.
Gilbert, D.
Gilbert, Laura
Gilbert, O.L.
Gilbert, Oliver
Gilderoy, Jonathan
Gill Weymar
Gill, Bob
Gill, Tom
Gillam, B.
Gillam, Beatrice
Gillespie, E.
Gillespie, J.
Gillett, Roger
Gillham, Mr A.G.
Gillham, Mrs M.E.
Gillian Adkins
Gillian Gilbert
Gillieron, Tom
Gilligan, N.
Gilligan, Nigel
Gilling Castle School
Gilson, V
Gilson, Vicky
Ginnie Copsey
Gino Brignoli
Giselle Sterry
Gittens, K.
Gittins, K.
Gladstone, D.J. and Holland, S.
Glancy, M.
Glanz, Lyn
Glen Barnes
Glen Roots
Glen van Ginkel
Glendon, Brian
Glenn Norris
Glenn Norris, Graeme Lyons
Glenn Norris/ Chris Cathrine
Glenn Norris/Adam Garside
Glenn Norris/Chris Cathrine
Glennon, Kerry
Glew, Janice
Glew, Rebecca
Glover, G.
Glover, Mr T.
Glyn Bridge
Glyndwr University Students
Goddard, C.
Goddard, D.G.
Goddard, Don
Godfread, Miss F.
Godfrey Polly
Godfrey, A.
Godfrey, Andrew
Godfrey, Andy
Godfrey, C. OR Bowles, N. and Hopkins, I.J.
Godfrey, J.
Godfrey, R.
Godfrey, Sq Ldr M F
Goldie-Smith, E.K.
Goldsmith, J.
Goldsmith, Robert
Goldstein, A.S.
Goldston, Emily
Gomersall, Chris
Gomez, A.
Gomez, Africa
Gomm, F.P.
Goodall, A.
Goodall, M.A. and Goodall, D.W.
Goodard, Steve
Goodier, J.
Goodier, Mr R.
Goodier, R.
Goodley, C.
Goodwin, J.
Googe, Allen
Goom, Miss N.
Gooseman, Mr M.P.
Gordon Corbet
Gordon lavender
Gordon McReaddie
Gordon Shears
Gordon Simpson
Gordon Spears
Gordon, Anne
Gordon, Mr J.A.
Gordon, Tom
Goring, Mrs V.F.
Goring, V, and Smithers, P.
Goring, V./V.F.
Goring, Valerie
Gorse, Jeff
Gorton, E.
gosling, anthony
Goss, Martin
Gossage, Daniel
Gould, Carol
Gould, David
Gould, Stewart
Goulding, R. W.
Govan, Mrs R.
Gower, Suzanne
Goy, Mr R.
Grace Yoxon
Grace, Andrew
Graeme Baxter
Graeme Lyons
Graeme Lyons et al.
Graeme Lyons, Heather White
Graeme Lyons, Karen McDermott
Graeme Lyons, Karen McDermott, Lee Walther
Graeme Lyons, Libby Morris
Graeme Lyons, Mike Edwards
Graeme Lyons, Richard Farran
Graeme Lyons,Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Adrian Holloway
Graeme Lyons;Adrian Holloway;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Adrian Holloway;Chris Bentley;Alice Parfitt
Graeme Lyons;Adrian Holloway;Dave Green;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Adrian Holloway;Mike Edwards
Graeme Lyons;Adrian Holloway;Mike Edwards;Jane Willmott
Graeme Lyons;Adrian Holloway;Steve Tillman
Graeme Lyons;Alan Stewart;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Alex Collins
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt;Dave Green;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt;Guthrie Allen
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt;Nick Walford
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt;Sam Buckland;Shaun Pryor
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt;Shaun Pryor
Graeme Lyons;Alice Parfitt;Steve Tillman
Graeme Lyons;Andy Musgrove
Graeme Lyons;Andy Phillips
Graeme Lyons;Andy Phillips;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Andy Phillips;Chris Bentley;Evan Jones
Graeme Lyons;Andy Phillips;Chris Bentley;Evan Jones;Sarah Patton
Graeme Lyons;Andy Phillips;Dave Green;Simon Cullen;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Angela Brennan
Graeme Lyons;Ann Griffiths;Mark Monk-Terry
Graeme Lyons;Barry Yates;Alice Parfitt;Chris Bentley;James Power
Graeme Lyons;Barry Yates;Chris Bentley;James Power;Mike Edwards
Graeme Lyons;Ben Spink;Charlie Burrell;Ted Green
Graeme Lyons;Bill Urwin;Danny Cooper;Seth Gibson
Graeme Lyons;Bob Foreman
Graeme Lyons;Brian Eversham
Graeme Lyons;Bryony October
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Alice Parfitt
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Evan Jones;Oliver Froom
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Guthrie Allen
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Mat Davidson;Michael Blencowe
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Mike Edwards;Peter Hodge;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Shaun Pryor
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Steve Tillman
Graeme Lyons;Chris Bentley;Steven Falk
Graeme Lyons;Christian Owen;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Daniel Watkins
Graeme Lyons;Danny Cooper;Seth Gibson
Graeme Lyons;Dave Green
Graeme Lyons;Dave Green;Derek Lee;Tony Davis;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Dave Green;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Dave Green;Tony Davis;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Dick Alder
Graeme Lyons;Guthrie Allen
Graeme Lyons;Guthrie Allen;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Howard Matcham
Graeme Lyons;Ivan Lang
Graeme Lyons;Jake Everitt;Paul Marten
Graeme Lyons;Jake Everitt;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;James Power
Graeme Lyons;James Power;Jane Willmott
Graeme Lyons;James Power;Mike Edwards
Graeme Lyons;James Power;Mike Edwards;Steve Tillman
Graeme Lyons;Jane Willmott
Graeme Lyons;Jody Orchard
Graeme Lyons;John Burnham
Graeme Lyons;John Burnham;Oliver Froom
Graeme Lyons;Katie Parker
Graeme Lyons;Katie Parker;Laurie Jackson
Graeme Lyons;Lee Walther
Graeme Lyons;Libby Morris
Graeme Lyons;Libby Morris;Kyle Jennings
Graeme Lyons;Mark Gurney;Frances Abraham
Graeme Lyons;Mark Monk-Terry
Graeme Lyons;Mark Monk-Terry;Sam Buckland
Graeme Lyons;Mark Monk-Terry;Sam Buckland;Shaun Pryor
Graeme Lyons;Mark Telfer
Graeme Lyons;Mark Telfer;Dave Green;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Mark Telfer;Neil Fletcher;Seth Gibson
Graeme Lyons;Mark Telfer;Steve Teale
Graeme Lyons;Mat Davidson;Michael Blencowe;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Matt Prince;Neil Sanderson;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Michael Blencowe
Graeme Lyons;Michael Taylor
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards;Chris Bentley;Steve Tillman
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards;Jane Willmott
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards;Ollie Sayers
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards;Ollie Sayers;Sam Walker
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards;Peter Hodge;Tony Davis;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards;Ryan Mitchell
Graeme Lyons;Mike Edwards;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Mike Tristram
Graeme Lyons;Neil Sanderson;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Niall Basquille
Graeme Lyons;Oliver Froom
Graeme Lyons;Ollie Sayers
Graeme Lyons;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Peter Marren
Graeme Lyons;Phil Cribb
Graeme Lyons;Rachael Dover
Graeme Lyons;Rachael Dover;Dave Gibbs;Shaun Pryor;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Rachael Dover;Dave Green;Tony Davis;Penny Green
Graeme Lyons;Rachael Dover;Irene Carlin
Graeme Lyons;Rachel Bicker
Graeme Lyons;Rich Howorth
Graeme Lyons;Ryan Mitchell
Graeme Lyons;Sam Buckland;Shaun Pryor
Graeme Lyons;Seth Gibson
Graeme Lyons;Seth Gibson;Steve Gale;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Seth Gibson;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Shaun Pryor
Graeme Lyons;Shaun Pryor;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Shaun Pryor;Jane Willmott
Graeme Lyons;Simon Cullen
Graeme Lyons;Simon Hurt
Graeme Lyons;Simon Rayburn;Chris Bentley
Graeme Lyons;Steve Teale;Tony Hutson
Graeme Lyons;Steve Tillman
Graeme Lyons;Sue Harris
Graeme Lyons;Sue Milnthorpe;Seth Gibson
Graeme Lyons;Tom Ottley;Brad Scott
Graeme Lyons;Tom Ottley;Jacqui Hutson
Graeme Lyons;Tom Ottley;Tony Hutson;Sue Harris
Graeme Lyons;Tony Davis
Graeme Lyons;Tristan Bantock;Graham Collins;Scotty Dodd
Graham Anstey
Graham Bell
Graham Clarkson
Graham Davis
Graham Dennis
Graham Dixon
Graham Harrison-watts
Graham J. Dennis
Graham Manchip
Graham Parris
Graham Reynolds
Graham Thompson
Graham, G.
Graham, K
Graham, K.
Graham, Karl
Graham, Phil
Grampian Spider Group
Grant, F.L.
Grant, G.
Grant, Marcel
Grant, Neil
Grant, S.
Grass, G.
Graves, Hazel
Gray, Allan
Gray, D.
Gray, Gill
Gray, H. (Helen)
Gray, I.F.
Gray, J.
Gray, J.B.
Gray, John
Gray, Mr T.
Gray, Nick
Gray, Oliver
Gray, Stephen
Gray, T.
Grays, Wendy
Grayson, A.
Greaves, J.
Green , Barry
Green, A.J.
Green, Alex
Green, Andrew
Green, Annalee
Green, C.
Green, D.
Green, David
Green, F.R.
Green, G.H.
Green, Geoff
Green, H.
Green, Harry
Green, J.
Green, Mr S.
Green, Mrs S.
Green, Phil
Green, R.A.
Green, T.
Green, Tim
Greening, L.
Greening, Linnaeus
Greening, Mr L.
Greenleaf, Audrey
Greenway, Christopher
Greenwood, C.
Greenwood, Carole
Greenwood, Darren
Greenwood, E.F.
Greenwood, J.
Greenwood, Kelly
Greenwood, M.
Greer, Mr R.
Greg Dickens
Greg Hitchcock
Gregory Lee
Gregory Yeoman
Gregory, Helen,. Rance, Jim
Gregory, Lee
Gregory, Martin J.
Gregory, Mrs L.
Gregory, Neil
Gregory, Paul
Gregory, S.
Gregory, S.J.
Gregory, Steve
Gregory. Tony
Gregson, Justin
Greig, Robert
Grenier, Lesley
Greswell, Philip
Greves, Dominic
Grewcock, D.T.
Grewcock, Mrs
Grey, Martin
Grey, Melvin
Grieco, G.
Grieco, Gi
Grierson, Dr G.
Grieve, Douglas
Griffin, M. J.
Griffith, Shawn
Griffiths, Andrea
Griffiths, Caroline
Griffiths, Mr D.
Griffiths, P.
Griffiths, Rachael
Grigg, Susan
Gritten, Dr R.H.
Gritten, R.H.
Groom, Andrew
Groome, L.
Groome, R.
Grooms, Mark
Grout, Dave
Grove, S.J.
Grove, Will
Grover, S.
Groves, Kevin
Groves, Matthew & Godson, Martin
Groves, Paul
Grubb, Lisa
Gudgeon, Alf
Gudgion, Alf
Guerra, Katie
Guest, J.
Guiver, A.
Gulliver, J.
Gulliver, Pauline & Dave
Gunn, J.
Gunn, Tracey
Gunton, Tony
Guntrip, D.W.
Guppy, Naomi
Gurney, Mark
Gurr, J.
Gus Jones
Gustav Clark
Gutierrez, Eve
Guy Ackers
Guy Broome
Guyatt, Simon
Gwen Potter
Gwen Richards
Gwent data
Gwyn Williams
Gymer, Jon
Gymer, Paul
Gyngell, M.
Gyongyner Kados