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Frensham Common, SU857405

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Status: Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS)
National Nature Reserve
Local Nature Reserve
Country Park
Other/unknown (specify in notes)

Summary: 400ha total, owned by the National Trust with 336ha managed by Waverley Borough Council.

Description: Primary habitat Lowland dry heathland with areas of woodland (broadleaf and softwood plantation) scrub and acid grassland communities. The area known as the flashes contains good examples of wet heath and mire habitats.

Reason for interest: Frensham Common is part of the Thursley, Hankley and Frensham Commons SSSI and accounts for some of the finest lowland heathland on the lower greensand in surrey. It is designated for its heathland communities and for the presence of breeding populations of three schedule 1 birds.



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page last edited on Sun May 15th 2022 by site user 3867

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