Summary for Amaurobius similis (Araneae)
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National Distribution
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About this species
Recorded altitude range0m to 600m
Species text
DistributionThe species is widespread in most of England and Wales, becoming more scattered in Scotland. It is a Holarctic species that is widely distributed in north-western Europe.
Habitat and ecology
The spider probably occurs in almost every house and outhouse in the country. It makes its characteristic web of cribellate silk in cracks in the brickwork, under the eaves, under undisturbed rubble or debris and between cracks in wooden sheds and fences, etc. (Roberts 1995). Channels carrying cords for sash windows are a favoured retreat inside houses (J. Newton, pers. comm.). It is also occasionally found under bark in more natural habitats like woods especially where these are near habitation. It is possible that it replaces A. fenestralis in these situations. Adults occur throughout the year but both sexes peak in the autumn, and females are recorded again in numbers during the spring and early summer.
Common, possibly less so in the north.
Authors of profile: Peter Harvey & Geoff Oxford
Roberts, M.J. 1995. Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe. London: HarperCollins.
Account last edited by Geoff Oxford at 15:27 on Thu 14th Jun 2018.
Adult Season
background methodology
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