Summary for Araniella cucurbitina sens. lat. (Araneae)
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Identification difficulty rating: 2
Name: Araniella cucurbitina sens. lat.
Authority: auct.
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Araneidae
IUCN status: LC
Records: 397
First Record: 1886
Latest Record: 2022
1992-on hectads: 134
Pre-1992 hectads: 26
Total hectads: 149
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About this species
Recorded altitude range1m to 335m
Species text
Old records of Araniella cucurbitina included A. opisthographa as a variety of A. cucurbitina or did not distinguish this taxon at all from A. cucurbitina in its wide sense (Araniella cucurbitina sens. lat.). This therefore means that these records cannot be separated unless vouchers exist and these have been re-determined. No Araniella species can be identified to species level without careful microscopic examination of adults, and this is true of A. cucurbitina sens. str. and A. opisthographa, as well as the scarcer species A. inconspicua, A. alpica and A. displicata. Identification to species cannot be made from photographs. References
Adult Season
Adult Season Data (based on 140 records with adult season information)
background methodologyBroad Habitat Data (based on 206 records with habitat information)
Broad subhabitat Data (based on 76 records with subhabitat information)
Structural Habitat Data (based on 70 records with structural habitat information)
Habitat Detail and Method (based on 140 records with habitat detail and method information)
Recorded management for locations with Araniella cucurbitina sens. lat.
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Araniella cucurbitina sens. lat.
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