Summary for Sibianor larae (Araneae)
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Identification difficulty rating: 5
Name: Sibianor larae
Authority: Logunov, 2001
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Salticidae
Records: 31
First Record: 1900
Latest Record: 2021
1992-on hectads: 4
Pre-1992 hectads: 2
Total hectads: 6
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About this species
Recorded altitude range1m to 22m
Species text
DistributionThis species appears to be restricted to northern Britain. It has a wide Euro-Siberian distribution. It was previously misidentified with Sibianor aurocinctus.
Habitat and ecology
All British records are from Lowland Raised Bog where it seems to favour uncut bog surface.
Not reviewed. However two historic sites have been lost to agriculture: Kirkby Moss and Barton Moss.
Original author of profile: Richard Gallon.
Adult Season
Adult Season Data (based on 23 records with adult season information)
background methodologyBroad Habitat Data (based on 11 records with habitat information)
Broad subhabitat Data (based on 8 records with subhabitat information)
Structural Habitat Data (based on 15 records with structural habitat information)
Habitat Detail and Method (based on 28 records with habitat detail and method information)
Recorded management for locations with Sibianor larae
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Sibianor larae
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