Summary for Trogloneta granulum (Araneae)
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Identification difficulty rating: 4
Name: Trogloneta granulum
Authority: Simon, 1922
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Mysmenidae
Records: 2
First Record: 2012
Latest Record: 2012
1992-on hectads: 2
Pre-1992 hectads: 0
Total hectads: 2
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About this species
Recorded altitude range141m to 141m
Species text
Known in Britain from two locations in Wales.Habitat and ecology
In South Wales a single female was discovered under a rock in woodland, whereas the North Wales female was located within a large slate spoil heap in Snowdonia. On continental Europe Trogloneta granulum is known to inhabit wooded upland block-scree and caves where it constructs a tiny orb-web. Females construct a comparatively large spherical egg-sac.Status
Nationally Rare. Likely to be under-recorded due to its small size and the difficulty in sampling deep scree habitats.Threats
Soil-capping or the removal of quarry spoil heaps might threaten this species' specialised habitat.Original author of profile: R.C. Gallon.
Adult Season
Adult Season Data (based on 2 records with adult season information)
background methodologyBroad Habitat Data (based on 2 records with habitat information)
no subhabitat data available
Structural Habitat Data (based on 2 records with structural habitat information)
Habitat Detail and Method (based on 2 records with habitat detail and method information)
Recorded management for locations with Trogloneta granulum
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Trogloneta granulum
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